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If I were to write a manifesto on why I am starting this blog, it would be all about how I was taught that Fine Art is higher-level than illustration, and that illustration is better than craft, and that I beg to differ on all three levels. I think that we people who like to create are all in the same big boat (full of dried up markers and wood shavings). What we do is always mindful, it’s always exploratory, and we all do it because we have voice inside of us that urges: “MAKE STUFF!”

I believe that everyone with the desire to make things is already an artist. Here, I plan on sharing everything that I’m doing in my studio space whether it’s doodling or illustrating or painting or dyeing or making bath bombs. It’s for anyone who wants to peek into my workroom (and hope that there are people who will), but honestly it’s first and foremost for myself – a reminder that those who make need to share

My name is Melissa, and I am a maker. I hope you are too.