original sketches
The first thing that I started working on when I left my job in food service was polishing up a set of line drawings that I’d sketched for a friend while working there. It’s a silly, surreal bunch of illustrations that show cheeseburgers in odd places.
I love burgers. But to be frank, but I’ve also felt weird with my relationship to them as symbol for America’s national foodstuff. I think that they’re naturally kind of funny, since a hamburger is arguably just a Hot Round Sandwich. The fact that if you were to say that around certain groups it might start an argument (or a fistfight) says a lot. We take our sandwiches very seriously in America, as a rule.
Perhaps that’s why, maybe as a sort of tremendous palette-cleanser, I decided to take some cheeseburgers very un-seriously.
The last couple of years have been a back-to-school process of learning and experimenting, and this project put many of those things into practice. I expanded my original drawings into full-page black and white illustrations, to start. But meanwhile, I was also learning and re-learning the skills needed to put them together into a finished product.
The finished coloring book – BUY A COPY, STARTING AT $5!
I’m happy to announce that my Weird Burger coloring book is finished and available, here on my Etsy shop. There are currently two formats. One is a physical, hand-made notebook with the illustrations interspersed through decorated lined notebook pages.
Weird Burger is also available as a PDF download for only $5 !
This file includes the illustrations, plus cover designs, and a matching color notepaper design. Also included are instructions detailing how to assemble your own perfect-bound copy at home with household supplies, such as white glue and binder clips.
I had so much fun drawing these illustrations, I genuinely hope that someone else loves coloring them!