Today I have a preview of the final sticker sheet in my series of fun little animal shops – a florist! I feel bad that I haven’t posted anything in the last week, but the problem is that I haven’t been working in the sketchbook at all. Instead, I have been stuck in front of the computer, coloring linework and editing, editing, editing. Every once in a while I have to stop for a refresher on something like Adobe Illustrator. It’s been fun in the sense that it’s something new, but it doesn’t make for very interesting post material!
Most of my time has been spent on the little details in Photoshop. It’s been lots of clicking and dragging and rearranging, then outlining in plain old white. Sizing and layout is probably the most difficult part of this whole process, since it involves trying to figure out how everything should fit together on the page like little puzzle pieces. It’s really time consuming, and boring, and I’ve just been listening to podcasts and trying to push through this part. I’m getting so close to done with these sticker sheets!

So, despite my silence, things are going really well. Packaging, for instance, is coming along quickly now that I’ve had time to experiment with the capabilities of my set up. In between refreshers on Adobe programs, I’m also learning the Cricut design software for the first time, and that’s required some experimentation with scoring and cutting different materials. I finally have a design for the envelope that I like, along with cover art that I’m happy with. It’s my goal to push this puppy over the finish line by the end of the week, and it’s looking pretty good that I’ll be able to make that right now!