Most of the time while I’m working, I’m listening to podcasts. Sometimes that spills over into what I sit down and sketch. That was the case here, where I found myself one fine morning listening to Josh and Chuck of Stuff You Should Know talk all about the history of gin. I highly recommend SYSK to anyone with a general curiosity about the world. They talk about everything from hummingbirds to nuclear semiotics. It’s a super fun way to learn a little more about pretty much everything, and Josh and Chuck are delightful.
I channeled my inner Edward Gorey and sketched this out while listening to the historical segment. It started as my imagining of a Victorian liquor store done in a sort of semi-sweet cartoon style. Then I put a brothel on top. Some birds. A puking man. Horse poops. You know, just a little local and period-accurate color.
It was so fun to draw that I want to do more of these historical scenes. I have to think of some other goods ones, though.
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