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Tarot Adventures

Drawing of graphite drawing showing three long-haired women reflected mysteriously in a mirror as she reads an open book before her, the title above reading: "The Ashen Glass Tarot".
sketch for the title card for my tarot deck, 4 x 6″

I started drawing my own tarot illustrations a while back by picking cards at random and doing a detailed graphite drawing on a block of 4 x 6″ hot press watercolor paper. The result is that I now have about thirty of seventy eight total pencil drawings for a tarot deck, which is pretty rad.

The rough part is that I’m not sure how to color them, or even if I should. I really like the tooth of the paper, and I kind of want it to show through with whatever I’m doing. On the other hand, I love color, and color can be a really interesting part of tarot symbolism, so I’m torn. Part of me wants to do something really modern with color, as a contrast to really classical look I was going for in the sketches, but I’m not sure what that actually looks like yet!

Two colorings of the same image of an enthroned woman with the grayscale drawing in the middle.
Three Empresses: sketch and two versions of digital color. Verdict: meh.

I have spent a ton of time playing around with coloring in Photoshop, primarily with just three of the images, using them as an excuse to experiment with digital painting and different techniques. I hope that I’m learning through this whole process, because so far I’m not really happy with any of my attempts.

Good news, though. My new printer handles my proofs beautifully.