This week, I have been hard at work on the last two sticker sheets that round up my second series. Everything is coming together in a really exciting way – just around the corner, I will have actual stock to hold in my hand and photograph and put up for sale! Woo!!! These will join the two sticker sheets I have finished to make four little shop-themed sheets:

There’s still so much to do, and I want to move on to other aspects of this project, so I’m really trying to get it finished! I have an inner deadline to finish the inking by the end of the week, but that seems ambitious right now. Hopefully, I’ll be able to grind them out soon and stretch my hands with something new and different. Graphite shading starts to seem really fun after a couple of days in front of a screen with a stylus. Plus, it’s finally sunny where I am, and I can’t help but want to take my sketchbook outside picnic-style!