April has been exciting this year, with a lot of regular-life stuff, but I’m returning this week from my little spring vacation with my finished toad art designs! The mixed media piece I’ve been working on for the last few weeks is finished, all of the stationery that I imagined the design on produced and photographed.
Although I’m pretty tired of that toad staring at me, and I’ve already moved on to making other pieces (coming soon!) seeing things come together is fun and satisfying.
Taking the illustration and adapting it for the things that I can make has been it’s own entire learning process. But as I go along and develop my templates, it’s becoming a lot quicker and easier to make a product design from a piece, even when I add one more thing, like a magnetic list pad to the repertoire! From prints to custom notebooks, you can pick up one of these designs on my Etsy shop now.