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Spring Sketch Gallery

gouache and watercolor sketches

I have been so busy and the weather has been so beautiful. It’s been difficult to do anything other than either work at the computer or outdoors! Little paintings using watercolor and gouache dot my sketchbook this past week.

After dreaming about painting outdoors all winter long, it’s difficult to stop. It’s suddenly green, and flowers are blooming everywhere.

Since I’ve been working on these are warm-ups in the morning, I limit my time on these outdoor landscapes. A few hours with watercolor isn’t a lot of time. You have to move around the painting a lot, and end up waiting for the paint to dry. It requires planning and patience that can be hard to achieve right after morning coffee.

watercolor sketch with notes

It really bothers part of me to leave something looking so unfinished. However, I’m starting to appreciate these as studies. For instance, this coming January when I’m freezing I can come back to these and use them as a reference. Diving back into oil painting keeps getting knocked further and further back on my list. It would feel really cozy to work on something like this in the middle of winter!

my water-tight palette and a jar of water go into my bag with sunscreen, bug spray and something thin and foldable to sit on