colored pencil over watercolor
This past week, my sketchbook has been centered around a palette of rosy neutral colors, and some of my favorite blue-greens. Above, I drew a pretty true-to-life image of a vintage incense holder that usually sits on a shelf. I like how the burner turned out, but I wish I could remove the periwinkle smoke. I might at least fill in that gap later.
Fortunately, Photoshop! I have an idea for some things I can do with the burner when it’s scanned.

watercolor and pen
I also worked on a couple of similar pages this week, these two illustrations for some folklore notes on air elementals, or sylphs. For now, since I’ve apparently gotten the itch to draw smoke out of my system, and have moved on to other things. Next I will probably have some cute animals to share.
Meanwhile, I’ve gotten a couple of awesome new supplies. Since my larger art prints are suddenly looking really nice, there will be more news on those soon!