Today was the day! I finally made it outside with my portable painting kit, and today’s watercolor sketch is the result.
My thing this time of year is the almost iridescent green that appears when the first shoots finally come up. I wanted to try capturing that bright chartreuse green that I love so much. So when I took a walk, I found a scene that focused on a field covered in new growth.

I remembered to take a couple of process photos, but I didn’t take a photo of the scene I was trying to capture! So there’s no landscape photo to compare this to. Oops. Instead, I was distracted by climbing down into the ditch to find a comfy spot with a good angle.
I was able to get one or two layers of paint on everything before I got too cold. Then, I packed my kit back up and finished at my desk to warm up.

Altogether, it was a three hour time investment and a really nice walk. I’m excited to do it again soon, as it gets even warmer and things really start to grow!