Today’s warm-up exercise shows a loose scattering of buttons from my imagination. I don’t actually have a button box to draw from, which is kind of surprising. I feel like a tin full of fun buttons is something that I would expect myself to have. Instead, I looked at a picture of someone else’s button tin on Pinterest!
I picked buttons because I wanted to draw something simple with some variation and these little accessories seemed interesting. Mainly, I wanted to pick something that I could draw quickly with pen and then paint a background around.
Filling a background like this is actually kind of challenging. You can see where I slipped a couple of times and “painted over the lines” here and there! To get the watercolor to bloom, everything still has to be damp at the same time, so you have to cover the whole surface pretty quickly.
This quick-and-dirty painting was nice practice, and it covers space across the sketchbook nicely with a nice punch of color. Meanwhile, I’m excited to get back to building my shop. Today? Stickers.