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Purple Blooms

gouache painting of spring flowers, about 6 1/2″ x 7″

Yesterday, I watched and took notes on a bunch of tutorials on Adobe inDesign in preparation for projects that are developing. I also spent some much-needed time in the studio, finishing up this little painting of spring bulbs! I’ve been saving this project for myself like a prize at the start of the day – a reward for patience after spending so much time in front of the computer, gazing longingly at the sunshine.

I have a tendency to work small and intricately, which means that I usually have a ton of paint leftover on the palette when I’m done with any given project. Sometimes, I use this as an excuse to fuss endlessly with a painting. Other (usually more productive) times, I use it as an excuse to play around with another, tinier painting!

both of these guys share space on the opposite page of the sketchbook
tiny lil’ 1 1/2″ x 2 1/4″ landscape

I think that I’ll print this out and use it as a painting in miniature dollhouse scene, but it will have to be a print, since I don’t want to cut through that sheet of watercolor paper in my sketchbook. Gouache continues to be fun and interesting, and meanwhile, I continue to work on sticker sheets and other digital parts of my projects. It was nice to steal a little time and use up some extra paint to make something just for me!