This week, I’m catching up to my goal of opening up my online shop in time for the holiday season! I was able to complete a lot, including the illustration above, and the logo within it. Since I’m not going to have a premises, I wanted to draw one: decorated how I’d love to decorate it, and stocked with what I want to sell!
It’s not only going to be cute for packaging, it turned out to be a really useful exercise for making some final decisions about what I want for this project. The process of settling on a name was difficult and long, and limited by the affordability of different URLs. Ultimately, I worked backward from the drawing and found something that seems like the perfect fit.

I’m currently working on putting final touches on packaging, while next week will probably have lots of photography and editing. My goal is to open shop on November 1st. I will be working on it constantly until then, however, so updates will not be in short supply!