This little postman is a sketch from so long ago that I couldn’t even guess its age. I’ve kept it through the years because he makes me happy, and because every time I find myself looking at it, I think that if I ever make stationary, he’s going to be on it. That time has come! I’m playing around with designs like this as I wait on a shipment of a ream of some nice linen texture cardstock.

Scale is the biggest challenge in working with something like this, which I drew on a piece of Bristol board the size of a trading card. I’m still working with this fellow in Photoshop, but I think that I’ve finally reached the “almost there” stage! This will go on some greeting cards and the finished image will have some lettering in the upper right. Right now, my draft says “Hello There!” – but I have those layers hidden in today’s post.
I have been too excited and too busy with what I’ve been doing in studio to have kept up with my usual posting schedule lately. This is a great problem to have, but despite the extra work it takes to write these posts, I’ve missed it! Working with this drawing at the end of the week last week was great because it felt like a double-dip: something that I was doing for my big online shop project AND something that would make good post material. Today, I’m diving right back adjusting existing art in different layouts and producing things to photograph and have on hand. It doesn’t sound exciting, but it feels exciting.