I haven’t posted all week! I’ve been working in the studio instead. I just couldn’t help myself. With all of the snow, the light has been wonderful to work in. I busied myself polishing up work that I can use for my current projects producing greeting cards and stationery.
So, as a sort of apology (to myself more than anyone), my post today includes a bunch of assorted teeny, tiny paintings!
Sometimes I create these mini-pieces as I work on something normal sized. These usually appear on the facing page, or on the scrap that I’m using to test colors on clean my brush. I find that these little studies are a good excuse to use up leftover paint on the palette. They’re also great for practicing things like composition and color quickly and with few materials.

The bonus, though, is that when and if I like them enough, I can cut them out, frame them, and stick them in my dollhouse, on my tiny easel. At this point, I have enough where I always have a mini artists’ studio… in my artist’s studio! I’ll be back soon with a portrait in blue. Until then, stay toasty!