I was thinking about the Toymaker when I drew this on Friday, and I have a list of other similar scenes with characters, all showing a different stall at this imaginary village market. I don’t know what it is about these, but they’re really fun to draw, and I can’t help but think that they would make a sweet coloring book.
I actually have a coloring book about cheeseburgers that I’ve pretty much finished the illustrations for, sitting in a drawer labelled “Finished Work” here in the studio. It’s the black hole where my drawings land when I’m sick of looking at them. I’ve played around with prototyping it for years, but something (me) has always gotten in the way of actually doing it.
My not-so-old photo printer recently died on me, and I was angry about it for a while, but eventually I realized that what I was presented with was actually an opportunity to get the printer I’ve always really needed. So sometime soon, I’ll be getting one that I can print archival quality giclee prints from (and stickers, and bookcovers, and oh the possibilities are dazzling). Now that possibility of making a really nice coloring book without having to leave the house is real, I’ve dusted off those old drawings. Look out for some weird cheeseburgers!
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