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Dueling Chocolate Rabbits

paint sketches: watercolor and pen (left), watercolor and gouache (right)

This Halloween cat illustration in the sketchbook was pretty quick and dirty, but turned out really nicely for what was a quick one-hour exercise. It also feels great to get seasonal in my new workspace, even if I’m still technically settling in!

I painted two chocolate rabbits in one day last week in my warm-up sketchbook. I have a fondness for those hollow chocolate rabbits with the little bows and weird, colorful eyes, even if they’re made with the worst chocolate. They’re just so freaking adorable, you kind of don’t want to eat them anyway. That’s probably why I did two on Friday. Or maybe rabbits just tend to multiply.

On the left, I used watercolor with the details added on top in colored felt tip pens. On the right, I did a solid fill with gouache for the rabbit, and added watercolor for the bow and background. Neither of these are “finished” per se, but I might use them as inspiration. I’m definitely going to use one for my new little springtime welcome banner thing, since it’s not officially winter anymore. I keep forgetting, as in Michigan, it could snow at any moment up until about June.