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Bridesmaid’s Breath

I’m still loving my new-ish gouache palette. Today I have another limited-color painting from my little book of color palettes. It’s slowly filling up with little painting studies, and it’s at the point where it’s very satisfying to add another page. This time, my jumping-off point for color inspiration was powdery sky blue.

Although I used some bright chartreuse green and a saturated earthy orange, by keeping the biggest area my focal color of robin’s egg blue, and the second biggest area the cream color, the brighter hues can play nicely as accent colors. As I was painting, the name that I thought of (inspired by the bridal season and the chartreuse) was Bridesmaid’s Breath, which stuck!

I promised more flowers ages ago, but I wanted to post them with some pictures of actual spring blooms. Warm, sunny days are slow to appear, however. Real flowers are almost here!