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Animal Cards

2.75″ x 4.75″
graphite drawings with digital color

While I’m wrapping up projects that I’ve had in the works for some time, I’ve recently had the satisfaction of being able to turn some attention back toward a few older projects. Yesterday, I used some of my weekly scheduled studio time to revisit the concept of a tarot deck, this time with certain finished concept in mind.

I imagined an anthropomorphic tarot deck based on illustrations like the Piscine Party art trading cards that I previously posted. These show portrait-like scenes of anthropomorphic figures, with expressive, realistic animal faces and human-like costumes and hands. I set them against simple, colorful backgrounds, previously done with illustration markers, but this time I added color in digitally for flexibility. The idea of matching expressive animal faces with each archetypal symbol and costuming them sounded really fun, and I was right! I didn’t plan on drawing animal portraits all day yesterday, but that’s what I did.

top row in the works: mule on the Four of Cups and tortoise on The World

Later this week, I will be back with more news on product development and digital stuff, so real pencil-and-paper drawing felt like a really nice way to start the week off! Later this week, I will be back with updates on my series of botanical gouache illustrations, including news on what I’m planning for them.

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