I spent yesterday just drawing this for the Doodle Addicts weekly prompt. I love this quote by Mark Twain, and I chose it because it’s the message that I need to tell myself right now. That it’s not the anger itself that’s important, but what the anger spurs you to do.
I chose to use a medusa statue in my illustration before I really considered why. Eventually, I realized that it’s because that’s what rage often behaves in a medusa-like: hardening, isolating, poisonous. Too little anger and you can find yourself shielding your eyes from the reality of the world. Too much anger and your hope in people slips away. I’m feeling the balancing act, so I drew about it and this is what happened.
This is also why I like prompts. I’m not super jazzed about this drawing as an image. It’s kind of chonky and not exactly what I wanted. But I sat in front of it until my brain said “done”, and I don’t regret it. If felt pretty darn good.