In the beginning, I was planning on posting all sorts of stuff here, but then the world exploded and all I wanted to do with my energy was draw and paint for some reason. Here I am with a post about minis, which seems strange, since all of my posts so far have been arts, and no crafts. Well, I have arrived my craft hat on, which looks today like a tiny hard hat because I am working on a tiny house.

In it’s former life, it was a manger, the kind you put a tiny baby Jesus in for the holidays. If you want to reconstruct the scene of my childhood, just remove the furniture, scatter fake straw everywhere, put the main characters on the right, and the animals in a pen on the left. There’s a little ladder in the back leading to a loft, which would have been a great place like for the traditional stealth pooper, but my family missed out on that one. It’s actually just the right size for a 1:12 scale double mattress, so that’s perfect. You can see just a corner of it in the photo.

I have only been taking measurements and making diagrams, but I have big plans for making the whole thing look a little less barn-y. The next step is to put in a dormer window into the kitchen on the left hand side, and then open up the roof on the right. My next post on this project will contain actual plans, and I’m really excited to get started, so you probably won’t even have to wait that long. Well, not as long as this post has been coming, anyway.