I chose this from the sketchbook because I like the colors right now. Little Zeus is a little sky god, so he’s blue. The leaves are the colors they are because I liked them that way with the blue!
It’s such a relief to see blue skies and green leaves right now. It’s one of those “silver linings” things my brain keeps going to when I start to lose my sanity over current events. I’m extraordinarily fortunate to be in the place that I am right now, to have what I have, with the protection of the privileges I was born with. I also know that disappointment and powerlessness I’m feeling is like a joke compared to what anyone actually involved in the current racial violence in this country is feeling. That can only be actual horror.
I’m glad that, due to the grace of linear time, it’s almost summer. Even if we can’t be together as usual, at least we’re not crammed inside under gray, freezing skies. I scrape the bottom of the barrel, but sometimes you need to scrape every smidgen of hope you can get.