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Marshmallow World

Gouache, gouache and ink sketches, about 3″ by 5″

It’s been difficult to get back into the swing of things after the holidays this year. I blame all of the sunshine. I’ve been camped out in front room painting, even though I have a whole lot of computer/digital stuff that I also want to accomplish. So I’ve been celebrating the new year by working on old stuff, new stuff, and experimenting with cute little things in the sketchbook like this.

On the left, I wanted to do a little snow-globe-type winter scene and play with some new tiny brushes. On the right, I started with a drawing of a tree line using dark olive ink and a fountain pen, and added some of the ice blue gouache while I was painting the other scene (I’m always mixing too much or too little paint). The fountain pen ink bled into the gouache because it’s water based too, and I like the effect where the two mix together.

That’s all for now. I’m back at my desk today, scanning and getting back into my big projects. I’m eager to get back to it, so I’ll be back soon with more sketches and doodles!