Everything that had been chugging along so rapidly along has gotten hung up this week in sticky little details, so everything feels like it’s taking longer than it should. Doesn’t it always, though? In between looking at cardstock options, coloring sticker sheets, and other miscellaneous things, I have been stuck more in a shadowy corner of the house than I’d like the past week. This morning, though, I had my gouache out in the sunshine, working on this second little illustration of plants. This time, instead of potted houseplants, I have a bunch of spring bulbs and blooms.
This palette is very 90’s – it makes me think of the Babysitter’s Club board game that I had in real life. I used chartreuse green and wisteria purple as my jumping off points, and like the other painting, I’m trying hard to keep to around a 9-color palette.

This is from the opposite page in my sketchbook, where I was testing out my colors. I think that the last color will either be navy blue or some kind of taupe thing. Maybe both? The violet is dark but vivid, and I would like to have a neutral dark for adding detail and depth, and a light beige neutral might look good with all of those purple-y neutrals.
I couldn’t wait until it was finished to post it, though! Everything I’m working on is in some middle stage of the process. I can’t wait to get to the finish line, so I’m going to get back to it.